how to get a job in consulting – free course

The consulting recruiting process is competitive and challenging. Luckily, there are myriad resources to help you with every step of the process. Unfortunately, the best resources for each topic are scattered across many sites, YouTube videos and blog posts.

To help candidates navigate the complex world of consulting recruiting, we created a syllabus to use from the moment you suspect consulting may be a good career, through case prep and even the day of your interview.

For many topics, we provide proprietary content written by experts with deep expertise in recruiting at firms like BCG and McKinsey. However for other topics, we’ve scoured the internet to provide the best links whether it be from us or another site.

If you’re new, click on the preliminary research tab and get started!

Module Description Links
Join school consulting club If you’re in school, join the consulting club – right now. They will have a ton of resources and events to get you on track
Research consulting industry Be able to succintly describe what is consulting: Research what exactly it is, top companies, their services, types of people,
Understand why you Build out your thesis for why you are interested in consulting and how your skills and experience would be a great fit